I don’t have a regular phone here, and I actually love it. It truly makes me appreciate every moment I have in Florence, because I am not distracted or focused on being connected.
God is such an artist. Every single day, I walk over the River Arno, and every single day I am in awe of its beauty. Last night I was walking back from class as the sun was setting- It was probably the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. Of course, I didn’t have my camera :/
This morning I was walking through the town square and an old homeless man YELLED across the way, “Niceeee legs. Very nice legs.” Katy and I looked at each other, laughed, and kept walking.
The food has been amazing here- Marina, our mom is a great cook. Last night we had pasta ragu, mashed potatoes, peppers, and nutella crepes for dessert. Tonight we had pastapomodoro which is a traditional Florentine dish. It was good, and… differentJ Last night I ate so much that I couldn’t move, so tonight I planned to take it easy. That didn’t work so well- I’m still stuffed.
My classes are going well! It’s weird not to have any science or math classes, but it’s so good for me to learn something different, and challenge my brain. My favorite class: Wine culture in Italy. My professor’s family (Frescobaldi) has been in the wine business for hundreds of years, and she is very knowledgeable about the subject. We have tasted three wines so far, talked about the colors, the smell, and the art of wine tasting. Pretty interesting!
Ciao- That’s it for now!